Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Results of questionnaire

Results of questionnaire

Male 44%
Female 56%
16-19 56%
20-39 22%
40+   22%
25% yes 50% Not there type of music
25% no
80% yes if it was there type of music 20% sometimes 20% no
20% sometimes 80% yes if it was there type of music
100% yes
100% no
50% £3.99 would be a better price
50% too expensive
40% fair 60% to expensive

Metal hammer, uncut, NME, empire, kerrang!, rolling stone, terrorizer, fanzines

Chistian heavy metal, rock, metal, heavy metal, Christian rock

Dark, different, rocky, stylish, exciting, moody, angry, very red, mature,

·      Main image could be slightly brighter,
·      text could be easier to read and more varied and interesting,
·      regulers and fetures could be on the same page
·      brightness and contrast
·      writing is hard to read (might be down to the printer)
·      more interesting fronts could be used on the contents page and DPS
·      capitalise editors letter
·      could use drawing pins to make the photos look like they were pin to a board
·      the contents page does not maintain house style

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